26th July, 2014
The Thunder Run is yet another one of those nuts races that I got talked into entering (probably by one or more of the usual suspects, Sarah, Martin or Mike) without me giving the inevitable consequences a whole lot of thought. On the plus side, everyone loves it and everyone goes back every year. It's also on my list of things I haven't tried and that's a list I'm always looking for a chance …
19th July, 2014
This is one of my favourite races. For a start it means a trip to the Toon or more specifically Whitley Bay to crash out at one of my oldest friends' place, strategically located a mere 5 minute walk from the fantastic Rockliffe Arms. Your man is a runner with North Shields Poly and that means the club bus to and from the race with a great bunch of people all capable of drinking like a desicca…
3rd July, 2014
I can't remember the last time I ran a 10K race.. well over a year anyway. I think it's mainly because they hurt a lot and I've used the move to Ultras as a thinly-veiled excuse to drop a lot (almost all) speedwork. Which also hurts. But Berlin demands that all gets put back in the diary so when Susie said she was in for this I thought I should tag along. As a large bonus Carl and Shaun were i…