30th June, 2018
Some lively weather forced the location of this talk from Hillary Allen and Fernanda Maciel indoors at the last minute which was unfortunate as I think a lot more would have attended and they were more than worth the effort.I wanted to write a post about this because Hillary's story in particular is immensely inspiring. It's an extraordinary, medical profession-defying return from near death to …
26th June, 2017
When Henry Ford was knocking out his Model Ts, he used to patrol the scrapyards for written-off examples, rifle through all the components looking for the bits that hadn't failed so he could reduce the spec of that part and save a few $ next time round. The tight-fisted old scrote.I'm starting to feel like one of his cars. At this point everything's broken at least once with the exception of a…
13th May, 2016
First off I know what you're thinking. 'What the hell is that cover photo about?' Well I tried being clever and searched my Stock Image library for a good mug shot of Tom Baker, complete with scarf. They didn't have one. But this came up instead. So I went with it.But this post isn't about forcing pets to do your cooking for you, it's about Baker's Cysts. I really wouldn't eat that. Would yo…