6th December, 2018
You can't move for warnings about the state
of the environment and man's devastating effect on it these days. The
science can be complicated and presented in an overly techincal way,
making it less accessible. Professor Ed Hawkins,
climate scientist for the National Centre for Atmospheric Science,
thought the same and came up with a strikingly clear illustration of the
changes we are cau…
25th June, 2017
SiS (Science in Sport) generously sent me some samples of their caffeinated energy gels recently and I've spent the last couple of weeks trying them out. The original plan was to use them during the comprehensive set of long runs needed to build up for the Lakeland 50 in July and the CCC in August but.. as bad luck would have it, I've gone down with some heel-related niggle which has made a bonf…
21st February, 2017
Right folks, let's talk about the second most favourite subject for runners after running - eating. Before I ran my frst ultra and was all about the road marathon, all I packed for the race were 3 SIS gels, stuffed into the tiny key pocket in the shorts. Half the benefit was the mental boost of getting rid of one every 7-8 miles; helping break up the race. The unfortunate side effect was that if y…
23rd August, 2013
Now I don't get sent many unsolicited goodies through the post but things have clearly looked up recently. I may never have been asked to babysit (I have no desire to, but it would be nice to be asked so I can politely decline while feeling that little bit more trustworthy) but Salomon have sent me a pair of Mantra trail shoes to try out so that's something. I've been looking to start auditionin…